twist and dye

Being a female bummer #679: short season.

Why less denim, and no hem would cost more then a finished pair of pants, will NEVER be ok with me.

Thus making your own shorts, makes more sense. Sometimes it works out. Sometimes it doesn’t.

Today it did.

White oversized pants. Scissors. Rubber bands. And silly little dye kit from Michael’s, a well spent $8.99. (you will be overwhelmed by the tie dye aisle CHOICESGALORE). I chose the neon color set that came in squirt bottles, made by s.e.i. According to the box, it had one direction, squirt dye on clothing. SOLD!

I wet the shorts first and decided to rubber band off sections of my shorts to get concentrated color on certain spots, but that was my personal tie dye preference. You, of course, may or may not have differing tie dye preference. Cause Lord knows, we all just sit around and think what type of tie dying we prefer.

I let it dry for at least a day in the rubber bands. Then cut them off, and let the shorts dry flat for another 24 hours. Popped them in the dryer for 30 minutes, and presto. PARTY TIME.

And now you have a very good excuse to go to the craft store and cruise the tie dye and puff paint aisle. I know you were looking for one…


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